Shipping Method

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Shipping Method

Shipping Method

Shipping method is predefined method used for delivering products. After Customers select an item and decide to buy it, you have to deliver the item to them to finish the process of online shopping. For your own convenience, you may provide one or two shipping method to customers. If there are two shipping methods, we suggest you to define them as normal (cheaper) and express (more expansive). So customers can choose the one suitable for them.

  1. Main Menu > Logistic > Shipping > Shipping Method;
  2. Add new shipping method;

  1. Choose a shipping method and click “View” to show details / click “Add New” to add a new one;
  2. If the shipping method has details already, then click “Edit” and fill in the required information;
  3. Decide the delivery time slots and carriers;
  4. Click "update" to save the shipping method.