How to consigned goods for vendor?

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How to consigned goods for vendor?


  1. Add New.
  2. Save.

  1. Add New.
  2. Add item.
  3. Edit qty & price.
  4. Select the warehouse.
  5. Update.

  1. Create a SO.
  2. Select the item.
  3. Select the warehouse.
  4. Save.
  5. Allocate.
  6. Bill the invoice.

  1. Main Menu > Purchase > Purchase Consigned Goods
  2. Select Vendor, Cut off date & Warehouse.
  3. Select the item.
  4. Click Create PO

  1. Click Add New;
  2. Fill in information;
  3. Add Excel file of items if applicable;
  4. Click Continue;
  5. Fill in any additional information;
  6. Add all items you wish to export;

  1. Click Update;
  2. Click Allocate and Approve (if necessary).
  3. Done.